I took a break from blogging. What can I say? I am not perfect. I sometimes get bored with a project.
There a number of reasons why this blog has come to a standstill. First, a certain someone named REX kept leaving rude comments that insinuated everything I wrote was boring. Also our friend Cory refused to upload the photos of their visit here which I was looking forward to adding to my blog, especially the photos of me in the hospital. Third, I got tired of bringing my camera with me everywhere. I really don't enjoy taking photos but I try to do it anyways because I enjoy HAVING photos of our adventures. And last, we have been doing the same old thing for the last few weeks which is boring.
I am not saying those are good reasons, but they are the reasons.
Josh's sister came for a visit and I resolved to take many pictures while she was here and to post every night so the Kaylors in Massachusetts could see what she was up too. I took like five pictures. That was when the anti-photo-taking began. But here are a few of her days here.
Her very first margaritas...2 for 1 and they all come out at once which is kind of funny. Don't worry, we sipped them nice and slow.

Jessica's first night in Tulum. We took her to get our favorite food spot right away.

Some cute pictures of the siblings

At the Tulum ruins

Jessica relaxing in a palm

Funny story (some of you know it). While we are down here I have done a little posting on a Tulum discussion board. I read the board obsessively for a month before we arrived in Tulum since we had never been here before. It is mostly geared for vacationers. They would ask their questions about the area and then others would reply so I was able to pick up a lot of useful information before we got here. Actually the English group was kind of surprised at how much I already knew about the area when we first arrived! A lot of you wouldn't surprised as you are familiar with my obsessive researching and planning ways.
So I would post occasionally about a cheap restaurant we had tried in town and one day I got an email from a guy saying that he would like to paypal me $300 so that we could eat at some restaurants that we otherwise wouldn't be able to go to because of our budget. Sounds kind of fishy, right? Well, he sent me the money upfront so it was no problem. In return he just wanted me to post little "reviews" of where we went on his new Tulum forum website in order to generate some traffic, but it was okay with him if I posted identical information on the site that I usually posted on.
Needless to say we have eaten well while we were here. We would have eaten well no matter what, but it was fun to HAVE to spend this money on food. It was only a one time thing and the money has long since run out but I thought I would post a few photos of food we have eaten while here.