It's so lonely being here just the two of us. We don't know what to do with ourselves. Cor & Em, Karle & Alyssa, please come back.
Just kidding, we are coping okay. I went out in service today (Josh wasn't feeling great) and I think everyone gasped in surprise when they saw me. It had been a while.
Before our company came we spent some time with a couple from our group that we wanted to get to know a little better. Their names are Juan Carlos and Veronica and they have an interesting story. They went to high school together in Los Angeles and actually dated even though neither one of them were witnesses at the time. One of them moved to a different area and they lost touch until Juan Carlos showed up at a witness party one day (he was a study) only to find Veronica there! Veronica was about to get baptized and Juan Carlos progressed quickly and got baptized too. They eventually got married and now they have left their families in California and are serving where the need is great. English in Tulum, Mexico!
So we took them out for lunch on their one day off and we really enjoyed it. We went to an Italian restaurant for pizza and pasta (I figured they were tired of Mexican).

We also went for gelato after b/c they had never tried it before (they decided they like regular ice cream for 1/2 the price just as much) and met up with a sweet little girl who goes to our Spanish congregation. She did not want us to leave.

Juan Carlos and Veronica support themselves by selling a few items at this food stand. They have a couple different kinds of nachos (one with cucumber and jicama), hot chocolate, and a sweet, fruit slushy drink. Alyssa and I each got a fruit drink one night and we were a little skeptical since it consists of A LOT of sweetened condensed milk but it turned out to be delicious.

They work at the food stand from 2pm-10pm every day except for Monday. Their goal in order to pay their necessities is to make about $5000 pesos a month which comes out to be approximately $375. Last month was a little slow though b/c the "colder" nights keep the Mexicans in their homes. They also are both regular pioneers.